Posts in: tech

GoPro Hero 10’s cloud auto-upload

Wouldn’t it be nice if a feature just worked? GoPro recently introduced a neat feature where you can transfer your GoPro media, directly and automatically, to GoPro cloud without needing a cable, a phone or a laptop. Start here with GoPro’s official documentation: GoPro Support: Auto Upload Your Footage To The Cloud. However, this feature is still quite finicky and often requires troubleshooting. Took me a while to get it working.

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Google alternatives

This is a great article on Google alternatives The Next Google | DKB. There are now new solutions coming out, which even if they can’t replace Google, solve many a painpoints: Quickly accessing information without ads and trackers is one. Google is incentivized to show you a list of search result webpages, including ads and SEO optimized shitty websites, and then redirect you to them to earn 💰. These alternatives, however for the most part, let you find the information you’re looking for without leaving the search page - recipes or technical code questions are a representative example.

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A tale of PDF compression

How difficult could it be to reduce a PDF file size? Apparently, in this instance, very! Google Docs generated PDFs have risen to monstrous sizes, relatively speaking (and I’m not alone). Recently, I needed to convert a Google Docs generted PDF, from 5MB to under 2MB, due to an upload limit. I tried to compress the said PDF through MacOS Preview’s built in “Reduce File Size” filters which in this rare instance didn’t work.

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How to improve your online reading?

Most people don’t care about readability of an online article, few of us however, do. No matter how good the content is, if the website (and hence the article) is littered with inline ads, bad formatting, or even gaudy typography - I prefer not to read it as is. Here are some tips to get around such websites, and have a great reading experience. I have divided my suggestions in multiple levels, with Level 0 being reading an article as-is.

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Thoughts on iPhone X

When you hold iPhone X, the first thing you notice, is that it is heavier than it looks. Apple has this trend of not being the first but rather being a good implementer of technologies — they recreated the tablet as iPad, finger print sensor as TouchID, applied NFC as Apple Pay, voice assistant as Siri and recently facial recognition as FaceID. There are many novelties as well, like, being the first to launch a 64 bit processor, arguably building a mobile AppStore (Appstore transformed iPhone the way newsfeed transformed Facebook), and, make phone cameras mainstream.

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How I Use My Apple Watch 4

I was apprehensive when I bought the Apple Watch 4. Do I really need it? Will it fit comfortably? Can I handle the constant barrage of notifications on my wrist? Is it worth the price? How long will the battery last? Does it really help with fitness? Will it help save battery on my phone? I had just bought the bigger iPhone 7+ (still find it difficult to hold) then and wanted a companion device to check notifications without having to take the big phone out of my pocket every time.

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